Verona Travel Ltd

A Local
3 years ago


I had purchased a flight to MIA during COVID. Air Canada sent me documentation in writing advising me to contact my original place of purchase to get a full refund. In writing, Air Canada stated that I must be refunded back to the original form of purchase. This should've been my VISA however, the owner Alfiero Cavallo refused to do so and insisted that he will only give me a credit at his organization, forcing me to have to do business with him again.

Since he refused to credit back my visa, I was forced to purchase new tickets with him to use the existing credit. He over priced me on my new tickets. I was able to locate tickets much cheaper on line but unfortunately, because I had a credit with his organization, I was forced to settle with the over priced tickets. To add to this poor customer service, he pushed through this new purchase on my credit card twice. When both emailing him and speaking to him about this duplicate transaction he spoke down to me and in the end was very reluctant but to tell me he'll have his "accounting department" look into it. The duplicate transaction was made on 9/2/21. Alfiero has since confirmed in writing that there was some sort of "glitch" in their system and in fact he acknowledged the duplicate transaction however, I still have NOT been refunded for this duplicate payment and it's 9/13/21.

DO NOT do business with this establishment. IN fact, there are many other websites/resources to find cheap tickets on line. You will get very poor customer service. I feel so sorry for his employees. I can only imagine what other unprofessional situations they're up against working at this company