Simcoe Veterinary Hospital in Barrie
On September 07 at 5:04 PM
Brushing your pet's teeth is not an alternative to a full dental cleaning if your pet has more advanced dental disease. But if your pet has been given the "all clear" from your veterinarian then follow these helpful tips for brushing!
🪥 Don't use a human toothpaste on your pet.
🪥 Do use a toothbrush without any paste at first so that your pet may get used to the object in the mouth before having to contend with flavor.
🪥 Don't attempt to clean the inner surface of your pet's teeth. Natural saliva cleans this surface on its own.
🪥 Do try to perform dental home care at least once daily.
🪥 Don't perform dental home care during the first week after a full dentistry in the hospital as your pet's gums may be tender.
Unsure how to begin? Call us today to schedule an appointment with one of our Veterinary Technicians for a brushing demo!

Simcoe Veterinary Hospital in Barrie
On September 04 at 8:04 AM
Dr. Schmidt (our resident Doberman lover) was pretty excited to meet Kahlua and Cava at their first visit recently! These ladies were so well behaved for their examinations and vaccines and even sat patiently to have blood samples taken. Way to go girls!

Simcoe Veterinary Hospital in Barrie
On August 28 at 10:59 AM
If your dog has itchy ears or is shaking its head a lot it may have an ear infection! 👂🏼 When looking under the microscope we can see these little snowman looking objects that are actually a yeast (Malassezi) commonly found in dogs with infected ears. This patient received a good ear cleaning and was started on ear medications to clear the infection.

Simcoe Veterinary Hospital in Barrie
On August 23 at 10:22 AM
Heatstroke is no joke!
With all this hot weather we are experiencing we wanted to remind everyone some tips for keeping your pet cool & how to prevent heatstroke

Simcoe Veterinary Hospital in Barrie
On August 21 at 10:21 AM
The great outdoors can still get indoors.
If you have a cat that is indoor only, parasites such as fleas and intestinal worms are still a risk. Contact us today to get your feline friend set up on their parasite prevention!

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