About Us

At R Design Media we believe in creativity. We eat, sleep, breath, and do our morning yoga with creativity and cookies...always cookies. Speaking of which, do you enjoy cookies? Good becasue so do we. Do you enjoy cookie cutters? You have no idea what this has to do with the "about" page? Well we don't like cookie cutters and we don't like cookie cutter results.

The realization that every design looks the same as the others, where every house on the street is the same style as the entire subdivision, where the last website you viewed to get your fix of "Battle Toads" looked the exact same as the site for "Animal Cracker Adventures" - we find it lacks creativity. This is why we do not produce using a cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all approach. We believe in the uniqueness of your company, brand or project and as such it should not be approached as if it was the last brand we just dealt with. R Design Media believes in your non-cookie cutter-ness.

"We eat, sleep, breath, and do our morning yoga with creativity and cookies...always cookies."

The only thing that we believe each company truly deserves is success and achievement that they have worked so hard for and we would be more then happy to provide you with your unique marketing solution that will help you achieve that part of your dream.

Founded in 2011 in Bradford, Ontario Canada. R Design Media has worked hard to establish itself as a premier marketing agency handling all angles of the marketing mix. In the beginning we provided graphic design services for client business cards so that they could send their cards to the printer and have something unique rather then cookie-cutter that the printer was willing to put out. This became the foundation of our company - provide a unique and effective approach to every company, brand, and project.
In the next 4 years we would move from basic, freelance graphic design services to a full-service media house capable of providing:

web design + development, graphic design, digital media design, printing, social media management

and so much more. Grown from the ground up, we have gone from having simple graphic services on offer to being able to meet the needs of customers needing a full print branding for their entire corporation. Our print and design products have been featured internationally and our websites are enjoyed by people all over the world.