7 Separation Anxiety Myths
Some dogs display separation anxiety symptoms that are exceptions to the rules.
As a canine behavior specialist, I’ve seen my share of dogs over the years who suffered from separation anxiety. The vast majority of my clients have been able to modify their dog’s distress when left alone, and I felt confident in...read more...http://www.petvalubradford.ca/behaviour.html
Dogs on Marijuana: Not Cool
Something was wrong with Betsy Gotbaum’s poodle.
Harry, a reddish-brown 5-month-old puppy, was usually a ball of energy. But Ms. Gotbaum, the former New York City public advocate, had a hard time rousing him one morning last month.
“He wouldn’t eat, he wouldn’t drink, his head was bobbling back...read more...http://www.petvalubradford.ca/health--nutrition.html
Nonverbal Cues Can Easily Be Recognized by Your Dog
If humans are understandably a bit slow at responding to the visual signals that our dogs are sending, we are downright dense about the signals that we generate ourselves. Your dog, however, is a pro: he or she notices just about every move that you make. Here's an experiment...read more...http://www.petvalubradford.ca/miscellaneous-interest.html