Pet Valu in Bradford
On September 28 at 10:00 AM
Please join us at this milestone celebration!

Pet Valu in Bradford
On September 27 at 9:00 AM
Teaching Basic Behaviours Lesson #1: Easy Distraction, Easy Behaviour Use a low-value distraction for this lesson! Procedure: 1.Bring your dog into the training area. While your dog is watching, place the distraction out of your dog's reach, but where she can see it. Your dog more...

Pet Valu in Bradford
On September 26 at 10:00 AM
Please join us at this milestone celebration!

Pet Valu in Bradford
On September 25 at 9:05 AM
Playing Hide & See with Dogs-Everybody Does it, Right? This is going to sound a little bananas. I think you guys can take it, however. The most fun thing I’ve been doing lately with my dogs is playing hide and go seek. I’m a behavior geek anyway – I love watching dogs (and other animals) work more...

Pet Valu in Bradford
On September 23 at 10:00 AM
Please join us at this milestone celebration!

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