Bradford Family Dentistry in Bradford
On May 23 at 10:35 AM
Bradford Family Dentistry was reviewed by Jennie Gerigs from

I was so impressed by this dental office. Having a young daughter, I was really excited to see the all of the fun things for children to do... Read More

Bradford Family Dentistry in Bradford
On June 17 at 2:59 PM
Free dental care keeps people smiling during Dentistry From the Heart in Bradford -

Bradford Family Dentistry in Bradford
On June 09 at 9:46 AM
Baby Teeth Don’t Matter - Or Do They?

Bradford Family Dentistry in Bradford
On May 24 at 3:51 PM
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2016 FREE DENTAL CARE. 8 - 6. First come first serve. We can't wait to see you smile!

Bradford Family Dentistry in Bradford
On May 11 at 1:52 PM
Stained teeth can be very embarrassing and nothing to smile about. It can be the source of many an unhappy moment and stolen memories. You don’t want to smile for fear that someone is staring at you and making fun of the colour of your teeth. - read more here;

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