Isagenix - Doreen Johnston, Good Health Matters

11 years ago

Doreen has helped me with Isagenix for the past 6 months and during my cleanse I lost 10 lbs! I am now drinking the shakes every morning for breakfast, and it's quick and tasty. Thank you Doreen for all your help!
The Business Owner Replied:

Thank you Ashleigh. The shakes are great aren't they - convenient, tasty and full of nutrition. I am glad to have been of assistance to you..... any time.

Written on 06/22/2013

Water Lady
11 years ago

If you are sick and tired of feeling tired I encourage you to contact Doreen. Doreen has introduced me to the Cleanse program and her lemon bars. I am feeling much more energized these days and thankfully do not skip meals. The Isagenix Lemon Bars are delightful and filling. Thank you Doreen, you have made me feel 100% better.
The Business Owner Replied:

Thank you Water lady -- it is my pleasure to help you get good nutrition in your body especially on those busy days when there just isn't enough time. Skipping meals is not healthy. Glad you are feeling more energized.

Written on 06/22/2013

Darlene Aube
11 years ago

I've noticed big changes in Doreen the last couple years. She looks younger, has a ton of energy and is very compassionate with helping others renew their health. Doreen is very knowledgeable with the products she endorses and is making her mission to pay it forward- "that special gift of Good Health and vitality".
The Business Owner Replied:

Thank you Darlene -- I must say that I really enjoy the products myself but it sure is rewarding to see the transformation in others as they shed pounds and inches, skyrocket their energy, enjoy peaceful sleep, boost their immune system and general feel like they have a new lease on life. Indeed - good health does matter.

Written on 06/20/2013