About Us

Establish Credit or Build Credit:
With our unique Crediplan program you can build credit while saving at the same time.

Home Improvement/Renovation Loans:
Our Personal Loans give you the security of a fixed monthly payment, deferral plans from 3 to 6 months and let you choose a wide range of terms to make the payment fit your budget and the best part is our loans are comletely open and may be paid out in full at any time with no penalty.

Auto Financing/Leasing:
From those with a challenging credit situation, to those with the cleanest credit, we offer the best financing options available to you!

Equipment Financing/Leasing:
People choose to lease for a wide range of reasons. Thanks to its flexibility, leasing can help meet a variety of goals that businesses might have.

Commission Advances:
Why wait until after closing to get paid your commissions? Stop juggling your finances and join the large and growing number of clients who never worry about waiting until after closing to receive their hard earned commissions.

Inheritance Advances:
Is your inheritance tied up in Probate? I can get you the cash you need quickly, usually within 48 HOURS!

Merchant Advances:
FAST and EASY to apply

NO closing costs
NO fixed payments - it is based on credit/debit card sales volumes
NO financial statements required
NO collateral requirements

You can address a variety of business requirements or use it for personal reasons such as contributing to RRSPs. There are no limitations regarding how you spend your merchant cash advance - use the funds as you see fit.

Purchase order financing:
Purchase Order Financing is a financing option that allows you to use a valid purchase order from a credit-worthy customer to obtain ready cash to pay your suppliers. Once the order is delivered, your customer pays your invoice amount to the lender, who in turn reimburses you, minus a small fee. It’s simple, quick and professional. Purchase Order Financing provides ready cash to pay up to 100% of your supplier costs. It’s a flexible financing solution that helps your business:

Fill more customer orders…quickly and painlessly
Grow your business…instead of letting insufficient cash flow limit your growth
Take advantage of preferred rates from suppliers to improve your bottom line
Focus your energy on building your business…not worrying about cash flow