About Us

At CrossFit Bradford, our CrossFit Program is designed to develop athletes who are proficient in general fitness. We program workouts that incorporate gymnastic, weightlifting, and cardiovascular elements to improve our athletes in all areas of fitness. We have stayed true to the CrossFit traditions of constant variety and universal scalability. Each day, a new workout is programmed, and each workout uses multiple muscle groups. We don't subscribe to 'leg days' or 'ab days,' but rather believe that the best athletes are those who can move most efficiently. This often means using both your legs and your abs in the same day! We also believe in universal scalability. This means that no matter what your fitness level is, no matter what your goals are, you can do CrossFit! We can scale the workouts to meet you where you're at, and help you develop as an athlete to reach your goals. 

A typical hour at CrossFit Bradford looks like this:

0-15 min. - Warm-up & Shape work

15-35 min. - Skill work / Strength work

35-55 min. - Workout of the Day

55-60 min. - Cool down / Stretch