About Us

Frozen shoulder, plantar fasciitis, arthritis?

Untangle your pain. We use McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release® (MSTR®), Altay BioEnergy, Bowen Therapy or Mindful re-balancing Massage Bodywork (Altay Massage), Quantum-Touch®
Anna Harder, DOMP (Manual Practitioner), Certified in Bowenwork, professional bodywork Therapist since 1993 (background in RMT, Hydro & Edema Therapist of Germany)
Age 0-110. Lasting effects, safe and non-invasive sessions by appointment. Available in Bradford and Collingwood,Ontario

Touch is our first and original language.

Listen to the waves of echo running through your body with the ears of your heart

the innate Intelligence- the Golden Mountain- is hiding inside every chest

calling to travel without legs

pulling us away from fragmentation into completion

away from illusions into groundness

away from blame into forgiveness

away from ignorance into knowing

away from diseases into homeostasis

touch is a golden road...welcome!


What is Bowen Therapy?

The fastest way to explain Bowen is that it triggers the body to do what it can do best -heal. Our body is self regulating and always strives balance, like the most advanced computer. As an experienced  Bowen therapist Anna Harder knows how to support the body into rebooting mode to achieve homeostasis.

The outcomes can be profound and lasting.Usually people who discover Bowen can not understand how they could miss it before.People with lasting frozen shoulder or back pain can find healing after 3 sessions.

Bowenwork sessions are very relaxing.This experience is hard to put into words. It involves gentle rolling moves that sent signals to the brain.

After performing a set of  moves the therapist leaves the room to allow the body to respond.The brain is prioritizing if physical or emotional healing is required..

When the nervous system gets info re-balancing mode it can effect the restrictions in the fascia, reset the muscles and joints, change the posture, hydrate the dehydrated tissue and promote efficient organ function.